Jul 18, 2009

clockwork suicide

I made this in 4-5 hours for a poppenkast competition It's kind of like Platform Gauntlet Challenge's darker, sketchier, and less structured sibling.

story: a Person has requested light. You, as the machine designed for this purpose, must flip each of the seven switches inside the cosmic machine to turn on the lights.

it's pretty hard and seizure-inducing. I assure you it is possible, though I don't think it's very plausible. If you're having trouble from the very start, try closing the game and loading it again to start from a different location

get it HERE

Jul 12, 2009


get it here (last updated july 15th)

I'm thinking that for one of my projects I should make a small devlog to which I could post screenshots, new demos, plans, and anything else of interesting relation to the project. I would probably just copy the template from my doodles visublog for it. Would any of you seeing this be interested in something like that?